Chipotle closes down for E. coli outbreak

Recently Chipotle has discovered they have an outbreak of E. coli, along with salmonella, and norovirus among their chain. The outbreak has sicked 53 customers in nine states in the last five months. Beginning next month on Feb. 8th, all restaurants will be closed from 11 a.m.- 3 p.m. Students at RBHS were asked how they felt about Chipotle having an outbreak of E coli and if they would be going back to the restaurant anytime soon.

"I'm kind of upset because I got a gift card to Chipotle for Christmas and now I can't use it. Apparently E. coli makes you poop a lot and I feel like I would be okay with that as long as it's not a disease that affects my immune system or my daily life"-Kaitlyn Williams, senior

"It happened. I won't eat there until they fix the e coli issue and even then it'll be awhile before I do."-Erin Kravchick, sophomore

"I think it's 100 percent okay for Chipotle to shut down while fixing the e coli problem, because I love Chipotle but I don't want to eat there and get e coli"-George Frey, freshmen

"I'm not going to eat at Chipotle, I don't really eat there so it doesn't really affect me."-Will Hainsworth, junior

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Caylea Ray
Caylea Ray

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