Architectural Photography January 2016 The Challenge of Photographing Architecture in Winter

That's right, we have been out shooting Architecture this winter.

For many reasons Architectural Photography in the UK is most defiantly something for the Summer.

It's very cold to be standing outside for hours on end setting up a view camera waiting for the light, and/or for the delivery van to move out of shot. As you can see Nichola is well wrapped up while we shoot in High Bridge, Newcastle.

The sun is low, the shadows are long and opportunities of any good natural light at all are few and fleeting.

The winter months are not the usual season for Architectural Photography in the UK.

In todays fast paced world, the urgent needs of our client can often push aside our own creative requirements as photographers. Our client's business might not have the luxury of waiting for the best conditions for their photography.

We just have to get down to the work and deliver the best possibly results for our client's, within the constraints of their brief and deadline.

Despite the short days, the freezing conditions and a sun that barely gets above the horizon all day, there are moments of magic to be found when photographing buildings in the winter.

That cold blue light is sharp, with a contrast that can deliver a huge amount of detail. If your lucky there are moments in a winters day when you can have all this together with a warm yellow glow of the sun delivering unusually warm highlights in the same cool photograph.

As much as I enjoy the challenge this work brings at this time of year and some of the fantastic winter light we have been able to work with, I'll still be delivering most of my Architectural Photography in the spring and summer months.

For more information about all the commercial photography services delivered by qualified professional photographers at Allinson's Photography please follow the link below to visit the website and portfolios online. For more news and updates please follow and subscribe to our blog posts on the website.

If you would like to see more examples of commercial photography by Bruce Allinson LBIPP please use the link below to visit the Adobe Portfolio.

Created By
Bruce Allinson

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