The Man on the Mat b-sides | 1 May 2016

When Jesus saw him lying there and knew that he had been there a long time, he said to him, ‘Do you want to be made well?’
showing up might be the most difficult part of following the way of Jesus



1. How long would you stay by the spring, if you were the man in the story? What do you stick with in your life, even if there isn't a lot of encouragement, or there aren't signs of hope?

2. Do you really want to be made well? What are you willing to do to be transformed from the stagnance in your life? Would you start showing up?

3. Where is a place that feels hopeless in your life? Might you be able to show up in one small way this very week to practice some faith that God can transform even hopeless situations?

He is just there, oblivious to the hopelessness of showing up without a plan. He is just there, unable to make himself known, ask for a favor, or buy his way into the pool. He is just there, speechless until he is spoken to, not even complaining about his condition. The man on the mat is just there. And in this case, just there is enough.
O God, you have already arranged and written great miracles for us to see and to do in your great power and love. The wonders you have ready for us are beyond what we can imagine; help us to listen to your prompting, to pay attention to the ways you call us to follow you. Fill our hearts with your love that as we love you above all else, we may know how to serve you well and to fulfill the plans you have made. We pray in the name of your Son Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen.

Created with images by VicWJ - "Baths, Bath" • Jeric Santiago - "Texture: Floor Mat" • Spixey - "Roman Baths"

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