Team Okay Tiana B, Zoe d, emily h, & Kaitlyn z


Being able to create web banner ads using different Adobe applications for our website in Web Design.

Our Character Designs

Tiana B: I did what I do every time I make an original character, give them bangs and make them an anime character
Zoe D: I just wanted to make something simple and easy to create for my tour guide, so I made a normal human.
Emily H: I thought it would be cool if the actual tour guide is an actual person. So I sketched up a man in a suit, and went with the idea from there.
Kaitlyn Z: Having the fact that we had to make a "Spanish" tour guide, I decided to skip the normal human tour guides and go with something else. So I made it a cactus. I went with this plant because it's popular in South America and I thought I can add many variations to the character.
Iguazu Falls, ARGENTINA
"I decided to focus on one of Argentina's strong points, and that was their culture and natural wonders."
In the three banner ads, I chose to go with the three main things about Argentina; the foods, places, and entertainment.
El Tajin, MEXICO
"I just tried to make my banners look as simple as possible because I knew nothing about these countries."
I made my banners based on art, climate, and place in Mexico. For the climate banner, I animated the watering can to make it seem like it was raining on the cactus.
Machu Picchu, PERU
"I found some popular things around Peru as inspiration and incorporated them into my banner ads."
As entertainment, music, and art are three major things in Peru, as well as the rest of the South American culture, I decided to add them into my banner ad. A llama being an important factor in Peru, I incorporated this animal into my art banner. Parasailing being a famous tourist thing to do, I made my character flying into the sky.
"I tried to make my banners have a Puerto Rican theme."
I found things that represented Puerto Rico like their food, scenery, etc. and incorporated them in a way into my banners.

Challenges that we faced throughout the project:

  • Animation: With limited banner sizes, we had to work our way around it in order to make an awesome animation. Although we had the design down, we had trouble choosing what we should animate.
  • Clickibility: After adding the code in Flash, there were some difficulties being able to click on the banner when it was on the web.
  • Need to use different application

What are some things we learned & can take away?

  • How to create effective banner advertisements that attract the audience
  • How to create clickibility in Flash
  • How to incorporate banner ads into our website
Created with images by alvazer - "sand.wich" • vlanka - "mexico calaveritas calavera"

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