Who are your favorite teachers? Why? by Devesh Kumar

“My favorite teacher is Mr. Martin. He teaches AP Calculus and Algebra 2. He is my favorite teacher because he goofs around in class but he still gets a lot of work done. He is very productive. We think along the same lines and manners. He teaches in a way that I feel like is comprehensible and he makes the class fun, even though it is really hard and challenging.”—Caleb Drage, senior

“Mr. Smith is my favorite teacher because one, he focuses on the students’ pace. For AP Physics 1 this year, we are all freshman and we have no basic knowledge of physics so he focuses on our pace and he is there after school and before school to help us. He even gives us food.”—Dharti Patel, freshman

“My favorite teacher last year was Mr. Smith because I really liked his class and plus, I was kinda good at it so I could enjoy his personality because I wasn’t so worried about the class. I thought he was a really fun personality.”—Kevin Kiehne, sophomore

“My favorite teacher is Ms. Fancher because she is really supportive in what I do. She cares if I am successful, in school, out of school, and in basketball. I would definitely count her as one of my favorite teachers.”—Travis Midgyett, freshman

Devesh Kumar

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