Ecuador and the Galapagos Rei Adventures Oct. 2015


The Adventure Begins

A town of colonial architecture and amazing churches

the architecture of Quito
The cone of Cotopaxi, the form of which is the most elegant and regular known.

-Alexander von Humboldt

Hiking in the Highlands

The scenery of Peguche Falls, Laguna Cuicocha, and Cayambe Coca reserve

Papallacta Hot Springs. The perfect way to end a day of hiking.

The markets and culture of the Highlands

The Galapagos Islands

A statue of Darwin and Kicker Rock
The various landscapes of the Galapagos

Land of tortoises

Biking hazards only found on the Islands
Don't put imaginary hats on the wildlife
Adult themes inside...

The Wildlife of the Galapagos

What an amazing group!

Support organizations that are helping Ecuador recover from the recent earthquakes

Created By
Sara Kurth

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