March newsletter

The second transnational meeting in Poland

The second transnational meeting was carried out in Krakow in Poland

Transnational meeting was focused on the evaluation of the first mission (quantitative and qualitative parameters)

evaluation of the tutorials and rules for the ebook and progress report were other topics of this meeting

There were also suggestions and preparation of the tasks for the second mission agreed.

Discussion about organization and programme of the third transnational meeting in Slovakia and changing mobility in Turkey were very important too.

Despite of busy schedule we could meet with director of Polish school and had very fast introducing with partner school and pupils

Although we had not enough time for visiting some beautiful places in Cracow, three of us visited some of them and left Poland on Sunday.

Reports from Poland are posted on our school websites and social nets


March in school with project students

Our teams solved the first mission

1. task

How to make the robot move forward and stop at an each country

2. task

How to make the robot move forward to a certain country, stop and move back to the initial position

3. task

How to make the robot turn and reach a certain country and stoo here

How did they make it?


March in Greece

We finally did it!!!

Our robot visited every country and returned to base!!!

New missions, new teams!!!


In Polish school pupils prepared for discussion with teachers from partner project schools

Pupils asked a lot of questions according to countries, customs and habits, national cuisine etc.
It was a great opportunity for them to practise their English and improve it.


This month we worked really hard!

We continued with our 1st mission and our aim was to reach all countries without sensors.

This is an example of our work 

Task 1

Task 2


In Spain pupils worked hard to finish the first mission

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