If YOU have received this presentation, that means...

...YOU are running a successful Tech-Blog or Website with iPhone topics!

...YOU are the one we looking for!

...NOW, it's time to increase your passive income through UnlockSpector's Affiliate Program!

It Pays To Participate!

Why we have chosen you?

Our web-analysis has demonstrated, that our target group is using your website frequently!

Now, it's your turn to make profit out of it!

Our Affiliate Program is fully automated and allows you to easily place our ad units on your website and start earning money immediately!

Our Product

UnlockSpector is a web service that provides the customer a report with in-depth technical details of any iPhone device, in order to get the unlock status of it (carrier, icloud) and get advise to unlock and use it.

How it works

UnlockSpector reports technical details about an iPhone. Those information are being retrieved by apple’s GSX servers and a few public and private databases.

After having send the iPhone report to the customer, the next step will be to advise the customer to unlock his iPhone.

The method we use to unlock an iPhone is called Official IMEI Unlock Method (or Factory Unlock). It unlocks an iPhone permanently, and it allows the customer to use any SIM-Card/Network he want.

Our Target Group

  • iPhone users
  • Any private person or company in the world that wants to unlock, use or buy used, refurbished, or found iPhones
  • Technically interested persons and institutions
Business Model

Three Steps from Earning Money!


A Simple Calculation

You earn 20% of every sale!

UnlockSpector's actual price per sale = 9,95 $
20 % are 1,99 $ for you per sale!

1.000 web impressions result in 200 clicks

200 clicks result in 4 sales

Earn 8 $ after 1000 impressions on your website!

UnlockSpector’s actual eCPM = 39,80 $

Find different Banners in the Affiliate-Area!

You need customised Banners? Our designer team will design and deliver your individual Banner, quickly!

Example: UnlockSpector Banner 160x60 pixels
Example: UnlockSpector Banner 300x250 pixels

Any questions ? Contact our Affiliate Servicedesk 24/7!

It will be a pleasure to welcome you in our Affiliate Partner Network!

Sign up, get connected and become Affiliate Partner today!
(C) Hamed.Ventures 2016
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