Komatsu's Mining Monster Bauma launchpad for pc7000 shovel

With the new PC7000 mining shovel, Komatsu extends its loading machines portfolio in the >200 ton class. The Komatsu PC7000 meets the mining industry’s requirements for high productivity and offers lowest cost per ton in its class.

Komatsu designed this 677 ton machine with the aim to create the safest and highest performing shovel in its class. Powered by two 1,250 kW diesel engines the Komatsu PC7000 can lift a 36 m³ front shovel bucket. Adapting to different mining approaches and circumstances, Komatsu also provides, in option, backhoe attachments with a 36 m³ bucket and an electric drive train.

The shovel is designed to match 240 to 290 short ton trucks such as the Komatsu 830E and Komatsu 860E. Operators will experience improved ease when digging and bucket filling as Komatsu reviewed both the bucket design and hydraulic layout. With the new open circuit, hydraulic system the shovel swings faster and penetrates the material easier.

Reduced maintenance time, thanks to increased width of walkways and repositioning of major service points for easier access, was taken into account when scheming the shovel. Komtrax Plus, the latest Komatsu machine monitoring system, is installed on the machine and lets customers check the operating status of their machine.

Data can be transferred via satellite directly to maintenance specialists, to inform them of actual hydraulic pressures and engine performance.

The Komatsu PC7000 is equipped with an illuminated 45° primary access and egress stairway. In case of emergency, a solid anti-slip, flip-down ladder provides secure egress form the cab and machinery house. In addition, Komatsu has upgraded the light arrangements to LED technology for brighter and safer service and operation.

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