Bonnie and Clyde Bank SCENE

1930's Texas. Mid Morning.

INT. Texas State Bank.

The camera pans across the bank showing its grand size. The sun is shining through the buildings large windows and the bank is full of customers, queuing to make withdrawls/deposits from numerous tellers behind a long, high counter while others are seated talking to staff at desks.

BONNIE is sat at her desk typing as a very dapper CLYDE struts through the bank's heavy doors carrying a battered briefcase. She looks up as he walks past. CLYDE continues until he reaches a desk with a sign on it saying BANK MANAGER. He shakes hands firmly with the man behind the desk, they appear to already know one another but no smiles are exchanged. CLYDE and the BANK MANAGER both sit down and CLYDE balances his briefcase on his knee and removes some paperwork. He closes the bag back up, places it on the floor next to him and hand the files over the desk.


Good Morning. Here is the paperwork MR.DAVIS asked for, including references and projections for the first year.

The BANK MANAGER flips through the papers barely glancing at them.


I'm afraid your application for a business loan has been declined Mr. Barrow.


But everything is there. MR. DAVIS said my accounts were in order i just needed the paperwork signing off.


I'm afraid MR.DAVIS no longer has any say over matters in The Texas State Bank since his retirement.

The BANK MANAGER pauses and puts the papers down on the desk in front of CLYDE. The BANK MANAGER stands.


Good day Mr. Barrow.

CLYDE starts to get red in the face and pushes back his seat aggressively, half standing, leaning across the desk towards the BANK MANAGER. The loud scrape of the chair has several other customers in the bank looking over and whispering. The camera pans over these reactions. CLYDE sighs, sits back down in his chair resignedly and composes himself.


And send my kind regards to your father for me, won't you?

The BANK MANAGER looks down on CLYDE, who is still seated, and smirks as he walks away. Again CLYDE reddens and grimaces. But he soon recovers himself and begins to get his papers and self in order as the rest of the bank look away and get on with their own tasks. CLYDE picks up his briefcase, puts the straightened papers inside and stands up. He reaches in his pocket and checks his watch. As he closes the watch lid he looks up and sees the BANK MANAGER making inappropriate advances towards BONNIE. Pinned in a corner, sandwiched behind her desk and a shelved wall, BONNIE can do little to escape.


Excuse me Sir, i need to get back to the Turner files.


I just need to reach something?

The BANK MANAGER presses himself in closer to BONNIE as he leans over her to reach a file from the shelf above her head. As he reaches with his right hand for the file his left hand begins to slide up her leg.

As this is happening CLYDE walks towards them and as the BANK MANAGER's hand is about to disappear under the hem of BONNIE's skirt CLYDE ‘accidentally’ bumps a table next to them sending a pile of paperwork flying. The BANK MANAGER turns to see what has happened and it gives BONNIE the opportunity to squeeze out past him.


Oh my apologies. I'm such a klutz.

The BANK MANAGER scowls at CLYDE and storms off towards his desk. BONNIE heads straight for the files and starts tidying them up. CLYDE bends down too.


Let me help you with those.

He passes BONNIE some of the stray papers and they exchange a tentative smile, which the camera lingers on. They both stand up slowly, BONNIE smoothing her skirt. CLYDE takes a step back, tips his hat to BONNIE and turns to leave.

BONNIE stands mesmerised, watching CLYDE as he exits the bank. As the doors close behind him BONNIE looks down at the papers in her hand. Under her thumb she sees a small folded piece of white paper sitting on top of the files. The camera closes in on the shape. The paper is folded into an origami style bird with pointy beak and outstretched wings. She puts the files down on her desk and takes a better look at the bird. BONNIE holds the paper bird up between her finger and thumb against the summer light streaming through the bank's windows. The bird is back lit and with the backdrop of the the sky through the window it almost looks like the paper bird is flying. The camera holds on the shot of the bird against the sky and then we see BONNIE smiling as she looks up at the bird with the sun on her face and the scene fades to white.

Created By
tara rutledge

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