The Goodwell Co. Sustainable By Design

smart, personal care products

that could only be imagined by an industrial designer and an urban farmer

in Portland, Oregon

Bamboo + Binchotan Toothbrushes

Binchotan fibers that harness the power of activated charcoal and the sustainability of responsibly harvested bamboo

- a match made in oral care heaven.

Bristles made of binchotan

Binchotan deflects negative ions, removes plaque, and attacks the causes of bad breath.

Available in green or black, naturally coated handles

Biodegradable Single Use Flossers

4 flossers per card

Goodfloss comes in cards of 4 that detach individually. They’re small enough to fit in a wallet, purse, or pocket.

A flosser and a toothpick

Each flosser also has a toothpick that swivels out on a hinge.

Coming Soon - Goodwell homeopathic Sea Salt Mint Toothpaste

Hand harvested sea salt and peppermint.

All natural toothpaste that's homeopathically healing your mouth while you brush.

Featuring fully recycleable packaging

The Goodwell Company was created to offer a sustainable alternative to the plastic toothbrushes that are sold by the billions every year and go un-recycled, only to end up in landfills.

"Our mission is to create 100% natural, sustainable products, systems, and technologies that raise environmental awareness and empower people to make choices that help protect and preserve the planet today."

Invite sustainable dental care into your store

Created By
Product Conscious

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