Anne Frank Portfolio Brett murphy - p.1

Exploring the Setting


Vondelpark was built in Amsterdam, Netherlands in 1867. It is part of the borough of Amsterdam-Zuid and situated west from the Leidseplein and the Museumplein. Expansive, 19th-century urban park with a playground, ponds & an open-air theater. This was the best park around and a beautiful sight.

By one of the famous ponds
An old building decaying away

The Secret Annex

The secret annex was were a few families hid during the holocaust. Mostly the families hid in there were Jews. Anne frank and her family lived in there tightly. This place was behind Mr Frank's buisness which was secured.

The room to enter the Secret Annex
One of the bedrooms inside

Nuremberg Law

Authentic chart from Nuremberg Law that establishes German and Jewish bloodlines.

1. Marriage between Jews and subjects of the state of German or related blood are forbidden. Marriages nevertheless concluded are invalid, even if concluded abroad to circumvent the law. Annulment proceedings can be initiated only by the State Prosecutor.

2. Extramarital intercourse between Jews and subjects of the state of German or related blood is forbidden.

3. Jews may not employ in their household female subjects of the state of German o related blood who are under 45 years old.

4. Jews are forbidden to fly the Reich or National flag or to display the Reich colors. They are, on the other hand, permitted to display the Jewish colors. The exercise of this right is protected by the State.

5. Any person who violates the prohibition under I will be punished by a prison sentence with hard labor. A male who violates the prohibition under I will be punished with a prison sentence with or without hard labor. Any person violating the provisions under III or IV will be punished with a prison sentence of up to one year and a fine, or with one or the other of these penalties. The Reich Minister of the Interior, in coordination with the Deputy of the Führer and the Reich Minister of Justice, will issue the Legal and Administrative regulations required to impleme nt and complete the Law. The Law takes effect on the day following promulgations except for III, which goes into force on January 1, 1936. Nuremberg, September 15, 1935 at the Reich Party Congress of Freedom.


Propaganda is the type of wording or use of advertising to gain one's thought on a certain concept. This makes people beleive more in the concept you are presenting. Propaganda is used on debates and any other hard decisions people are having options on a side to join. Propaganda was the second back then to trick people into the nazi party or it was used to go against the nazi party used in the US. There was also propaganda used on certain races to promote ideas against or with people in a promoted idea.


Otto Frank

Otto Heinrich "Pim" Frank (12 May 1889 – 19 August 1980) was a German-born Swiss businessman. He was the father of Anne Frank and Margot Frank. As the sole member of his family to survive the Holocaust, took Anne's diary and analyzed it, arranged for the publication of her diary as The Diary of a Young Girl in 1947. Otto was the only person out of the Secret Annex to survive a death camp coming back to the place where they hid for years.

Margot Frank

Margot Betti Frank was the elder daughter of Otto and Edith Frank and the older sister of Anne Frank. Margot's deportation order from the Gestapo hastened the Frank family into hiding. Margot later went to a camp called Bergen Beleen. She died in Bergen-Belsen.

Miep Gies

Mien Gies was born on February 15, 1909. Moey was one of the Dutch citizens that helped the Frank family when they went into hiding. The people in the buisness helped everyone in the Secret Annex. When the Frank's were found she saw the officer was from Vienna. She said in an Vienna accent that the officer was from Vienna. The officer was going to take Evryone but now he only took the secret annex people. After the war Amie's Gies lived for a long time up till 2011.

Peter Van Pels

Peter van Pels was the son of the Van Pels. Margot and Anne both liked him. He was taken to a camp with Otto Frank. He later died on a death march. He was so close because the day after the camp was liberated and Otto survived.

Act 1 Summary

The Frank's go into hiding when the war is coming their way. This is the time when Jews are disgraced and treated poorly by the nazis when Hitler rises to power. The Frank's along with other families went into hiding till the war ended. They survived by having Miep Gies and Mr Khraler to bring them food and books. They get bored of this and trying to just power through it. It is hard to because they can't play, make noise, or do any everyday activities.

Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

When did the Warsaw Ghetto uprising happen?

The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising happened on April 19, 1943 when the German army entered with inhabitants. They went many days without fighting until their German commander ordered the ghetto to be burned. The Jews survived for 27 days, but the ZOB headquarters was seized.

How many people died in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising?

13,000 Jews died, about half of them burnt alive or suffocated.mIt was the largest single revolt by Jews during World War II. The Jews were mad but almost none of them survived this period. Germans didn't die often by the protests but only less than 300 soldiers died.

How many German soldiers and Jewish fighters died in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising?

No more than 300 German soldiers died and over 1000 Jewish fighters were killed for their protests against the nazis in the ghetto uprising.

As of the uprising how did the Jewish morale in Poland change?

The Jews grew courage although not briefly but this changed some of the people's attitude to change against the nazis in a different way and to stand up to them and not be forced around.

Act II Summary

Act two starts out when Miep brings a cake for New Years for the hiding families. Everyone was excited in this and Anne goes and writes in her diary to keep herself calm. They then later start to become lifted nearing the end of the war. Many of them believed that the war was going to end soon. This great news when the robber is still suspicious. They get taken to Auchwitz. Then they are split up into different groups to different camps.

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