español Señor Ladd

el 11-15 de enero de 2016

lunes, el 11 de enero

No classes today.

martes, el 12 de enero

Students return from winter break.


español 1

Introducción: unidad 1

You will:

Associate Spanish vocabulary with the objects they represent by drawing and labeling a picture of the girl described in the oral story.

Recall and write a paragraph from memory using newly acquired vocabulary.

español 2

Unidad 3- Rutina diaria, la ropa y de compras

You will:

Associate Spanish vocabulary with the objects and actions they represent by guessing the meaning of animated gifs during a presentation.

Utilize newly acquired vocabulary by completing a workbook page assignment.

español 3

Introducción- la belleza

You will:

Record adjectives that describe scenes traditionally described as beautiful.

Identify the differences in perception of feminine and masculine beauty across cultures by analyzing a presentation on the subject

Locate and critique an image which our native culture might deem imperfect and utilize new and familiar vocab to describe the hidden beauty that exists in the image.

miércoles, el 13 de enero

español 1

You will:

Repeat the alphabet in Spanish.

Repeat numbers 0-10 in Spanish.

Predict meanings of new vocabulary by using context clues when reading a written story.

Restate the main points of the story by answering comprehension questions.

español 2

You will:

Apply knowledge of routine vocabulary by listening to and participating in an interactive oral story.

Demonstrate comprehension of the story by drawing a comic of the events that occurred.

Recall and write a paragraph from memory using newly acquired vocabulary.

español 3

You will:

Recognize familiar vocabulary by reading a story in Spanish and answering comprehension questions.

Classify verbs by locating stem-changing verbs.

Employ knowledge of stem-changing verbs by conjugating verbs in all persons.

jueves, el 14 de enero

español 1

You will:

Recall the Spanish alphabet by spelling names and vocabulary words.

Recall numbers 0-10 by telling ages and phone numbers.

Conceive an imaginary person and describe her or his physical and personality characteristics by drawing a character and writing a paragraph.

Use appropriate vocabulary to introduce your character to others.

español 2

You will:

Repeat numbers 100-1000 in Spanish.

Identify number 100-1000 by writing numbers called at random in written form.

Predict meanings of new vocabulary by using context clues when reading a written story.

Restate the main points of the story by answering comprehension questions.

español 3

You will:

Record this history of Spain and Spanish by listening to a presentation.

Predict how English may have developed in the same way by combining what was discussed and utilizing their knowledge of history to develop a diagram of English’s evolution.

viernes, el 15 de enero

español 1

You will:

Recall the Spanish alphabet, numbers 0-10, colors, greetings and goodbyes and other Unit 1 vocabulary by completing a multiple choice quiz.

español 2

You will:

Predict meanings of new vocabulary by using context clues when reading a written story. (Complete from previous day.)

Restate the main points of the story by answering comprehension questions. (Complete from previous day.)

Order your daily routine by creating a list in Spanish using the preterit tense.

español 3

You will:

Recall the Spanish names of colors by analyzing and experiment that uses coffee filters to filter colors from different colored markers.

Assemble a concept of the visible spectrum by researching and analyzing how a prism works in Spanish.

¡Que tengan un buen fin de semana!

Created with images by frankieleon - "Explored: color my world" • LifeSupercharger - "Colors (47/365)" • Ishrona - "Art in Colors" • Andreanna Moya Photography - "Color My World-Day 24/365" • ErikaMuth - "color chalk india" • PublicDomainPictures - "bright closeup color" • PublicDomainPictures - "background bobbin color"

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