Social Bookmarking

Did you know that there are over 15 billion web pages?

There is an easy way to group in a single list thousands of sites that have a common basis

First step

  • Account is free
  • You'll see an easy way to add a couple of buttons to your browser ("tags" and "my")

Second step

  • Add keywords or tags that describe the site

When you save a page, two things happen

  • The site is saved with all your other bookmarks on
  • The tags are saved in a list of all your tags

After 2 months you have a hundred bookmarked sites

  • With a click on the tag that you want, one hundred sites become three
  • You can enter all the tags you want to

Third step


Delicious bookmarks are public

Imagine you're a teacher

You assign bookmark sites to algebra, and colleagues see the interesting sites you found. Then begin to assign their bookmarks and since they are all public, everyone discovers new and useful material

Together you create a network that produces a steady stream of interesting and useful websites

The social bookmarking sites take a world of chaos and make it orderly

Our teacher will use the tags in her blog to order the published multimedia material

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