February newsletter The first mission

The Slovak Republic

We started to solve the first mission

...and we tried to use all our free time at school....

for solving it.

...three groups, three tables, three mats and three Mindstorm EV3 robots...

and a lot of enthusiasm, eagerness and fun of course

The second activity of this month was to make three tutorials

Before making a tutorial, very important thing was to think about each detail.

then we started to programme our robots to move forward and stop at an each country

We noted down each step of programming according to describing it in our tutorial

and finally we put the robot on the starting position and run the program to check if we did all the commands right.

We used twinspace (Forums) for discussing about suggestions and some problems which occured during solving the first mission



the same mission, same instruction and of course the same fun with programming and solving the first mission

How the pupils from polish school solved and got through this challenge we can see from the photos below

explaining through 'Peer to peer' method
and checking by classmates


and also English, ICT, geography...

and important work in groups, sharing of ideas, opinions and approaches and common discussion about them in positive and non conflict atmosphere.


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