Portland Bee Balm

Ingredients: keep it simple

Portland Bee Balm offers an all natural lip balm in "Unscented" and "Oregon Mint*" varieties. Their four ingsredients come from sustainable and/or local sources: Certified organic coconut and olive oil, Oregon beeswax, and Oregon organic peppermint oil*.

The labels are made from domestic, sustainable wood through a green manufacturing process. It uses significantly less energy and is chemical free.


Their displays are handmade by a Portland woodworker from sustainable wood stock and allow for versatile product placement. Get their horizontal model that fits in most any check-out aisle for ease of purchase.

Free with an opening order

Or their shelf displays for other placement options

Free with an opening order

One third of all our crops are pollinated by bees. That’s one in every three bites of every meal you eat. They are an integral part of our food system, and without them we would have a much harder time getting food onto our tables.

There are many bee's wax-based lip balms in the market today, but beyond the ingredients, what makes Portland Bee Balm so unique is their commitment to supporting urban bees and their keepers.

Urban Hives program

Their Urban Hives Program donates 1% of sales to establish thriving hives in urban environments. Each stick of Portland Bee Balm sold is equal to pollinating 4000 flowers worth of new bee activity!

Help support the bees with Portland Bee Balm



It's the only balm that replenishes bee populations, while replenishing your lips.

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