ThermaPen Mk4 A thermoworks product

Good preparation, fresh ingredients and an accurate cooking method results in great meals.

"Grilled foods can be tricky without an accurate internal temperature tool you can trust." ~ Chef M

We gave the Thermapen Mk4 a good workout on the grill.

Fresh corn on the cob and Trumpet mushrooms were great sides for the main course.

Surf & Turf...with Red Wine Marinated Octopus...

...and two gorgeous Filet Mignons.

Rainbow carrots were added for color.

A great cab was a must for this meal.

We tested the filets looking for perfect medium rare at 140 degrees.

The Thermapen Mk4 was awesome! It was easy to use and 100% accurate.

I just LOVED that pink!

Our final result was beautiful, perfectly grilled, medium rare filets.

The octopus was marinated in red wine, then grilled to an internal temperature of 200 degrees to dissolve the connective tissue.

Then topped with Preserved Lemon Salt.

DELICIOUS...and perfectly grilled!

This meal made such a beautiful plate.

With our filets as the star of the show.

It doesn't get any better than this y'all!

You can trust the dependability of the Thermapen Mk4...What a beauty!

This is our choice for perfectly grilled and roasted meals.

Created By
Melissa Pelkey-Hass
The Front Porch Gourmet & The Divine Chef M

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