#TakeABreakToStayAwake Stakeholder Social Media Toolkit

Drowsy driving is tied to 25% of all car crashes. Each year drowsy drivers in the U.S. are involved in up to 1.2 million crashes resulting in up to 500,000 injuries and 8,000 deaths.

Arianna Huffington and The Huffington Post have launched a pledge to not drive drowsy, to not let friends and family drive drowsy, and to bring the same attention to drowsy driving that we have brought to drunk driving.

You and your friends and employees/clients can take action by participating in the #TakeABreakToStayAwake campaign on social media. Follow the directions below.


Click the links below to "tweet" your support for this pledge:


Copy and paste: Every year, drowsy driving leads to up to 1.2 million crashes resulting in up to 500,000 injuries and 8,000 deaths, but we have the power to help curb this epidemic. If you feel tired, pull over, and never let your friends drive drowsy. Sign and share the pledge to join the #TakeABreakToStayAwake campaign: huffpost.com/DrowsyDriving.

Watch the PSA:

Sign and Share the Pledge:

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