Critical Thinking 1:1 EdCamp KC Session

During EdCamp KC I attended a session about increasing critical thinking in a 1:1 environment. While in the room we discussed many ways people were already increasing the level of critical thinking in their classrooms. When you have many minds being put together in one room to discuss great things going on in area classrooms the list of resources and ideas are amazing. I have compiled a list of resources and links to help you increase your critical thinking in any classroom.

Resources to Provide Feedback to Increase Critical Thinking

When providing feedback remember to emphasize the process not the end product. We focused on this aspect of critical thinking. By having the students provide feedback to each other or to other classes they are improving their critiquing skills and their writing.

With Google Apps - you can use the comment section or voice text

Online blog for classrooms and individual students

Student Driven Digital Portfolios - empowers students of any age to independently document what they are learning at school

The premier voice recording service

A website with many quick lesson ideas/activities you can add to any lesson to increase critical thinking in your classroom

Start Engaging Your Entire Classroom - put inquiry at the center of you lesson and create self-motivated learners. Ask questions that spark curiosity and challenge intuition inestead of just delivering facts.

A weekly feature done in collaboration with Visual Thinking Strategies in which we publish a Times image without a caption or any other clues about its origins, then invite students to write in to discuss what they see in it. Full information about the image is posted 24 hours later.

A List of DOK, Blooms, and sample question stems to help deepen your level of questioning

Created with images by ToGa Wanderings - "Question everything" • cogdogblog - "Got Feedback?"

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