Pocketeers CASt business project: carmen liu, michelle huang, ruby nungaray

Hi, we are Pocketeers! "Pocket that animal!" Pocketeers is a school business project that is part of our economics class in our pathway called CAST, a career and technical education (CTE) arts program at Balboa High School.

This business project was presented to Walmart.com (Walmart's office) and was placed in third place in the Shark Tank Competition with other business projects. The Shark Tank Competition was a contest held by Walmart.com to determine the three most successful student business projects.

We sell pocket t-shirts with unique and cute designs. Here's our prototype down below.


Pocket Designs

"Meow!" Cat design
Panda design
Monster design
Elephant design
"Rawr!" Dinosaur design

Back Designs

"Say Whut?" design
Abstract Mandala
Geometric Mandala

Making the Shirts

We go to Balboa's after school program because they offer printshop. Here's our process in silk-screen printing one of our shirts down below.

Young Entrepreneurs

As young entrepreneurs, we learned that single sourcing is important because if you want satisfy your customers with the original quality of product, then you should continue to keep that same quality. We also learned that staying organized is the key to keep track of our orders and profit. Lastly, we had a lot of fun presenting this at Walmart.com since it was a wonderful experience being able to meet real business partners to give us live feedback on our business project.


Here's our advertisement down below. We aired this commercial every Wednesday on BalTV, our school's TV station. BalTV is aired every Wednesday, displaying daily announcements and media content created by CAST Academy students.

Pocketeers Order Form

This is the Pocketeers order form.

Reviews on Our Business Project

"Your shirts are super soft. It's because they're 100 percent cotton. This will attract your customers to buy more shirts." - from one of the employees of Walmart.com

"[Your designs] are so cute!" - from a fellow classmate

Designs are by Carmen Liu and Michelle Huang. Edited with Adobe Photoshop and Adobe After Effects. Extra pictures are from the movie "Puss in Boots: The Three Diablos"

This is Pocketeers! Thank you for taking your time to read and scroll through our Slate project.

To see more of my Spark (formerly Slate) Projects, click on the following links below.

Created By
Carmen Liu

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