Holiday Math Project By:ReNe, lucas, sam

The Conway family has four family members. There is a girl, a boy, a mom, and a dad. The mom is called Alexandra and she is 31. The dad is called Gene and he is 34. The girl is called Kim and she is 11. And the boy is called Luis and he is 9. The Conway family enjoy spending time with each other and they are grateful. The Conway family also likes to spend time with the family.


The boy is called Luis, he is 9 years and he likes all types of stuff. We got him Pokemon cards, a Nerf gun, Nerf target, headphones, and a smart balance wheel the total cost of all that was $247.27 dollars.


The girl is called Kim, she is 11 years old and she likes sports and electronics. We got her a soccer ball, a soccer goal, a phone case, headphones, and a smart balance wheel. And the total of all of that was $249.74 dollars.


The dad is 34 years old, and his name is Gene. He likes the outdoors and camping. We got him shoes, a iPhone 4, a Kindle, a back pack, and a watch and the total of all of those things were $198.80


The mom is 31 years old. She likes books and the outdoors, so we got her a iPhone 4, a Kindle, shoes, a purse, and a watch. The total of all of that was $203.83.

$190.80. Gene

$203.83. Alexandra 

$247.27 Luis

$249.74 Kim


The total amount of money we spent was $899.90

Our reflections

Rene's reflection
Lucas' reflection
Created By
Rene P.

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