Big Pants Productions dedicated to making you look good

Create your promo Reel

If you really want to get your dream job you need to put your best foot, hand, and head forward. That begins with a good video. If you are in a performing art form it is impossible to convey your skills through words alone. Hiring agents don't want to read about you they want to see your skills in action.

Film your live event

  • Circus
  • Theatre
  • Weddings
  • Corporate Events
  • Concerts

Big Pants will bring multiple cameras to make sure you look good from every angle. Hosting a once in a lifetime event? Let us capture it to make sure it lives forever.

Tyler Parks

Tyler has been shooting and editing videos since 2007. He loves working with artists to help bring their vision to fruition and capture once in a lifetime moments. Mr. Mustache (as he is referred to on stage) spent 2 years at B.A.V.C. in San Francisco where he earned a certificate in Video Editing and Production.

Tyler has a diverse set of talents behind the camera as well as behind the computer. He has created kickstarters, promotionals, customer testimonials, and music videos. Visit his portfolio to check out some of his past works. Special thanks to Earth Circus for creative circus and consuming.

If a picture is worth a thousand words then a video is worth: 5,600,000 words ( 1000 words x 180 seconds x 30 fps).

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