Oh, mylanta! What do RBHS students think of fuller house?

Aaron McCray, senior

"I probably won't watch [Fuller House] until I see the original show. I probably will revisit the show, and I'll probably watch it all the way through because I'm that kind of guy, but overall it seems like a funny show and I think i definitely go back and watch both the old and new."

Sean Speares, sophomore

"The original show was super funny, I mean the concept was really nice, you know, just a compact house with kids, parents and an uncle. I think I may even re-watch it to get caught up before watching the new one. I hope the cast hasn't matured too much and the fun feeling of the show remains."

Zach Peters, sophomore

"When i was younger me and my sister always watched Full house together at night and it was really fun because we could kind of connect over it. I hope we can start watching Fuller House together now that she's out of the house for college so I hope we can get that started again."

Kay Thompson, senior

"I was around 10-11 when I started watching the show because me and my sister would stay up and watch it, although we probably won't watch the new one. I think I'm going to cry after the first episode if it's really bad. It's going to be bad, I already know."

Elad Gov-Ari

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