12 Frequently Asked Questions about Marriott DESTINATION Points

Question #1

I am thinking about buying a timeshare from Marriott. Should I buy points or weeks? That depends on. Are you the type of client that likes to take 3 night weekend stays? Do you like to take 2 nights in Orlando, and 3 nights in West Palm Beach to then finish out 2 nights in Miami? Then you should do points. The Destination Points program caters to this type of traveler. If you like to stay in one spot for all 7 nights, you should own weeks.

Question #2

What’s the difference? Flexibility and cost. The points program is by far much more flexible, however, it is pricier. The weeks system is much less expensive but doesn't offer that flexibility of breaking up your vacations.

Question #3

How do the points program work? You buy a deed with a specific number of points per year. Think of these points like your spending allowance. You get to choose how and where you want to spend this allowance of vacation points.

Question #4

How much do I have to buy? This depends on your level of vacationing. How many weeks do you travel? What size villas will you need? Do you like to travel during peak season or during mid to low season? That's the beauty of the points. It can be molded to meet how you vacation. As an example, if you're someone that likes to vacation in low season and what to stay in a 2 bedroom 2 bath villa, an ideal amount to own would be 2,000 points. If you want to travel in peak season to Maui and stay in a 2 bedroom 2 bath villa, then you would need between 6,000 to 7,000 points. However, what most people need to understand is that you can always buy a little bit of points now, and little by little (when you're ready), keep buying more points to increase your membership level.

Question #5

What are the advantages to owning points compared to weeks? The flexibility. Plus your exchanges are internally handled by Marriott Vacation Club instead of third-party exchange companies.

Question #6

What system gives me the best opportunity to travel lots of different places at beach and family friendly resorts? Both systems provide this if you're wanting to travel a full 7 nights. If you just want to take mini-vacations, points will give you the easier chance.

Question #7

What are maintenance fees and how much are they --- and do they go up? Yes, maintenance fees go up every year as they stay on par with inflation. Maintenance fees currently for points owners is 49.5 cents per point.

Question #8

What’s the benefit of choosing Marriott compared to other timeshare companies? Quality, luxury, customer service. Marriott has a large collection of properties. These are Marriott built, not acquisitions (properties built under lower criteria, later added to a vacation club). Marriott really goes out of their way to make their guests happy and create memorable vacations.

Question #9

How do I make reservations? You can either call Owner Services and a representative will help you book your reservations or you can simply do it yourself by going online through your sign-in.

Question #10

Should I consider buying weeks on the resale market? Yes, this is a good alternative. If you know you don't need as much flexibility or price is holding you back, you should consider buying weeks.

Question #11

If so, what are the restrictions if any in buying a resale timeshare? If you buy Destination Points in the resale market THERE ARE NO restrictions. It's the same product you would buy direction from Marriott. If you buy Weeks however in the resale market, you cannot turn it into Reward points or Destination points.

Question #12

Are Marriott resale weeks a good investment? The word investment is a bit delicate when it comes to timeshares, however, it's a wonderful enhancement to your vacation. Doesn't matter if you like points or prefer weeks, either one will help you vacation in a more tranquil and economical way. Marriott resale weeks are a good purchase because it helps you enjoy the Marriott system for a quarter of the price you would pay Marriott directly. Granted, weeks offer less flexibility than points, but they are a good investment towards your family's fun and relaxation.

Created By
David Cortese

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