Hangin Up the Boots at the Maximo Seafood Shack, St. Petersburg, Florida STORY AND PHOTOGRAPHY BY ROBERT NEFF

The boots belong to Jane, our friend. Today was her last day as the senior waitress at the Shack. She is the leaving us to run off with a boat captain she met who goes by the name of Captain Jack. We will miss her.

She has been spreading the word at the Maximo Seafood Shack 's tables to support the Change.org Petition to save the Shack. As Jane says, The more I hear of what IGY Marinas has been doing to the marinas in the Caribbean, the more I see this is exactly what Bixby Bridge Capital is having IGY Marinas do to Maximo Marina and its small businesses in St. Petersburg, Florida. The Mayor can help the Rays but he can't help a small women-owned vet-owned business. We need you to SIGN and SHARE the petition!

We are going to miss Jane.

The lovebirds.

Jane getting the boater's order.

After Jane' last order...

Time to hang up the boots!

We are going to miss you two.

What better gift from a customer?

This gathering is for Jane.

A pelican attended Jane's party.

As I left, the cloudy skies paused to let the sunset color the sky in orange and red.

Created By
Robert Neff

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