Roma Your Story of Rome

“What else, then, is all history, if not the praise of Rome?”

- Petrarch

My photography workshop Your Story of Rome takes you to a city I've visited more than 30 times over 20 years, We will explore its great monuments quiet neighborhoods and, with your camera, concentrate on learning to tell a story of Rome – your story of Rome – with images.

The Romans knew of seven bright objects in the sky, the Sun, the Moon and five planets and they named them after their most important gods. The world has set its understanding of its universe by Rome’s compass for millennia.

The seat of Roman imperial power became the center of the church and also the center of western civilization.

“Oh, the streets of Rome are filled with rubble; Ancient footprints are everywhere...”

- Bob Dylan

Roman food, drink and meal habits haven't changed much in more than 2000 years. Romans have always eaten well.

Roman cuisine is based on what is fresh and in season at the moment. In the spring, fresh porcini mushrooms and zucchini blossoms are on the menu.

The owner of my favorite restaurant
The Ponte Sant' Angelo - the Angel Bridge, with sculptures designed by Bernini.
Some of the small camera work I've done in Rome.
My Rome Photographs
Some of the 4x5 view camera work I've done in Rome
Some student work from my last Rome photography workshop.

Consider joining me on my next Your Story of Rome workshop, June 6 to 11, 2016. See the link below for more information.

Jeff Curto, photographer and photo educator

Created By
Jeffrey Curto

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