The best mother's day gift photos of kids with their moms and grandmas

she will absolutely love you for it!

There is nothing more important to a mom than her children. Her job as a mother is her first priority, and she always focuses on doing it as well as she possibly can. It can be an exhausting role, but she loves it and puts her whole heart into it.

Show her that it means the world to you, too.

Promise her a photo session from Casual Moments Photography as your gift to her on Mother's Day. It's the kind of thing that she wants more than anything, but has trouble committing to...because life is busy, or she feels a little less than photogenic after having the babies. YOU can make her heart sing by showing her that you would LOVE pictures of your beautiful wife and child to have forever!

I make it very easy to plan and schedule a session. I am available on weekends, and I do my sessions outdoors in a local park. It's quick and easy, laid back, and affordable. Ordering is done online at your convenience in the comfort of your own home, with no sales pressure. Digital files are provided for your ordered images, leaving you free to print as many as you want for family and to make your own cards and gifts.

Looking for a special gift for the grandmothers in your family? A photo session with their beloved grandkids will touch their hearts like no other gift!

And the best part is that your kids will have the most precious heirloom that they could ever have - a picture of them as a child being held by their grandparent.

sound perfect?

Call me at 724-986-2625 or email me at if you have any questions. I schedule sessions at my home on Lake Keowee in South Carolina at any time, and I am in Pennsylvania at Mingo Park one weekend a month throughout the year. It's easy to find a time that works for your family! Pam Nafziger

For more info and to see more of my work, go to:
Created By
Pamela Nafziger
All photos owned by Pam Nafziger of Casual Moments Photography

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