What class are you most excited for? What classes are rbhs students looking forward to?

RBHS students have just finished planning out their schedule for next year. Some wait with anticipation until August to be placed in a class where they explore their interests and future aspirations, while others get ready to challenge themselves in a higher level class.

"The class I'm most excited for next year is probably AP Physics C. I really like the teacher Mr. Smith, he's pretty cool and I think it'll help me in college too even though it's a hard class." - Richard Shang, junior
"I'm excited for the AP classes and some career center classes that I just found out that they have. Some of them fit into what I want to be in the future, I want to be a vet. To be a vet, there's two subjects that you have to excel in, and that's math and science. Those two subjects I struggle in, so I feel like if I have more experience, if I go to the career center for those classes [I'll become better]. I'm excited for Animal Engineering." - Sara Yahya, sophomore
"Welding. It just sounds cool. I just want to build skills for welding." - Sam Duncan, sophomore
"AP Macroeconomics. I hear it's really fun and not a very hard class." - Zoe Wu, sophomore
"AP Biology. I really like biology and I think it will be interesting and also kind of challenging." - Erica Garrison, junior
"Probably biology honours because I kinda want to step out of my comfort zone and I wanted to take a class with more writing because that's always nice. I'm an avid writer." - Jasmine Brown, freshman

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