Porsche Snowforce 2016 Spektrumasia photographers - shanghai

Yakeshi, Inner Mongolia, Northern China

49° 16’ 59"N 120° 43’ 59"E

Average temperature in January: -35 Celsius. Wind chill often reaches -45C

Drifting on snow and ice.

Daily work under extreme conditions

Snowforce is an Intense two-week driving event in Inner Mongolia, China. Taking place on a massive frozen lake, guests are taught to drift and slide under brutal weather conditions. With temperature and wind chill often reaching -45C, SpektrumAsia photographers and their equipments are tested to their limits every day. It's truly a one-of-a-kind experience.

Instructors from all over the world. The best of the best.
Going sideways
520HP on ice
A+++ Tracks. Made by Swedish specialists. 
Porsche brought 62 cars into the middle of nowhere. Together, they have around 18000HP.
Under these extreme conditions even your breath is freezing.
Created By
Kai Hartmann
Kai Hartmann www.spektrumasia.com

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