The mine of Victor, Colorado By kitanI

The town of Victor on a map

The photo you see above this text is a map with Victor and its mine. Amazingly enough Victor and Cripple Creek share a mining company. The primary mineral found in Victor is gold.

Old house, picture, and music player

Victor is an old town and that old music player in that you see is a prefect example of how old Victor is. Victor was found in 1891 but still has old time stuff. Victor was found in 1891. The current population in Victor is 445 people, and the peak population is over 8,000.

The mine on a map.

People mining in Portland mine.

The town of Victor about 100 years ago.

The photos you saw above this is people mining in Victor, the town of Victor, and the map.

Elevator in Victor hotel

FUN FACT: Victor has the oldest operating elevator in the state.🙀😱

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