Yttrium By: Alice


The symbol for Yttrium is Y.

Physical Properties:

- Rare earth silvery white transition metal

- 88.90585 Amu

- It's melting point is 1799 Kelvin (K)

- It's boiling point is 3203 Kelvin (K)

- Atomic number is 39

- 50 neutrons


- Originally found in 1787 in Ytterby Sweden by Carl Axel Arhennius and named ytterbite

- Johan Gadolin discovered ytterbite's oxide in 1789

- Anders Gustaf Ekerberg named the oxide yttria

- The element yttrium was first separated in 1828 by Friedrich Wöhler.


- Red colour in televisions

- White led lights

- Camera lenses

- Bulletproof glass

- Microwave filters

- Lasers that can cut metal

- Treatment for cancer such as liver cancer

- Used in mixtures of two elements (alloys)

Interesting fact:

- Makes glass heat and shock resistant

- Found mostly on the moon

- Found in moon rocks by astronauts in the Apollo program

- Shavings of it can light on fire when they get past 400 degrees Celcius.

- It can be found in types of sand.


"White Led icicle lights." Wow factor event design. Wow factor event, n.d. Web. 18 May 2016. <

"Yttrium." Britannica. N.p.: Britannica, n.d. N. pag. Britannica School Edition. Web. 18 May 2016. <>.

"Yttrium." Royal Society of Chemistry. Royal Society of Chemistry, 2016. Web. 18 May 2016. <>.

"Yttrium." Kids Encyclopedia. Kids.Net.Au, 2016. Web. 18 May 2016 <>.

Winter, Mark. "Yttrium." Web Elements. Web Elements, 2016. Web. 18 May 2016. <>.


What are three examples of uses of yttrium?

What does yttrium look like?

Where is yttrium mainly found?

Thank you! 😄

Created with images by pashminu - "led bulbs lights" • jenipur13 - "beyond the lens." • rtencati - "Moon" • Sean MacEntee - "Moon"

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