King Island Photographic wonderland

King Island is a place of extremes and rugged beauty. Situated in Bass Strait between mainland Australia and the island state of Tasmania and buffeted by the winds of the Roaring Forties.

The rugged south-west coastline.

Possums resting in the heart of a manfern.

Penguins returning from the sea.

Currie on the west coast is the principal town and home of the crayfish fleet. The factory making the world renown King Island Cheeses is close by.

Lobster/crayfish pots, Currie Harbour
The Boathouse and Currie Lighthouse, Currie Harbour
And a selection of King Island cheese.

Grassy, a township on the east coast and the main shipping port, with beautiful sunrises.

Grassy Harbour
View with the magnificent tall spindly paperbark trees

Phoques Bay on the north-west coast., pristine and wild.

Cape Wickham Lighthouse on the far north coast.

Naracoopa and Blowhole Beach on the east coast.

Naracoopa Jetty

East coast sunrise over red lichen rocks.

A tombstone marks the final resting place of people from one of the many shipwrecks around the coastline of King Island.
Two sides of sunset on the west coast.
The lifestyle of King Island revolves around the weather and the seasons. Cheese, beef, crayfish, kelp harvesting and tourism are the main industries.

King Island worked its magic on me, and I can't wait to return - Lee

Created By
lee cleland
All photos copyright of Lee Cleland 2016

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