Raising Media Rich Children In a Digital Age Digital Learning

How should we raise media rich children in this digital world? Many of us have heard the stigma about our children's brain turning to mush due to using too much electronics and social media! As a parent I have concerns and have heard the rumors that social relationships, face to face interactions, and personal development are being harmed by the use of digital media. As a parent in the 21st century I wanted to explore a variety of ways to be informed so I could make the right choices and set the right limits for my children.

According to one Pew Research institute today's parents still prefer reading on real books!

The tactile experience of holding, smelling, and reading a physical book is an experience every child should experience.

Phew! Most parents still prefer to expose their children to hard copy books. I especially enjoy reading to my children and visit the local library regularly.

As I began searching for the answers to my questions about parenting in the digital age I came upon a wonderful article by, Dr. Pamela Rutledge. Dr. Rutledge is the Director of the Media Psychology research Center. After doing course reading and checking out her website I found a few articles that were really helpful in answering some questions around my question. Below is the link to one article that I thoroughly I enjoyed!

There are many, many other parent's who are blogging. Input from other parents is a valuable tool, of course as with anything you only take what you need! Digital learning can occur through reading other parents blogs from topics from a-z. I found this list that lead me to other mother's blogs that I have since added to my learning network.

Children need to experience the world through play and social interactions. Balance between virtual reality and the real world is essential!

Harold Rheingold, author of Netsmart: How to Survive and Thrive Online recommends being present, asking questions, and actively engaging with children about the online world. Rheingold also recommends paying attention and modeling the behavior that you wish for them. This was his personal response to my question via twitter about how parents begin the journey of mindful parenting in the digital age.

Parents should be cautious about their own habits using digital media. Children live what they learn, they are always watching! I often tell my children that people are more important than any show, movie, game, etc. 

Parents should ALWAYS have access to passwords and regularly monitor their children's online activity and exposure. We need to love our children and keep them safe while they are still in our care and under our supervision. Use the protection services that are available on different platforms such as computer site blocks like Watchdog.

Foster relationships with your children that establish trust, communication, and boundaries. Talk, talk, talk and experience the journey together. You never know, you might learn from each other.

Created with images by tinkerbrad - "iPhone work" • Hermann - "books education school" • Hermann - "book education school" • janeb13 - "books reading relaxation irex" • Radarsmum67 - "Zombie" • Devangija - "mother child family" • yourschantz - "blog blogger blogging" • ann_jutatip - "child 3" • PublicDomainPictures - "traffic cones road" • PublicDomainPictures - "fence wood pattern" • markusspiske - "country road road traffic"

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