Bruins tell where they like to eat lunch

There's a variety of food options for students at RBHS between school lunch, off campus restaurants, and bringing lunch from home. Where do you eat lunch during school?

"Probably Penn Station. I really like their food and and like 12 inch subs I can take down in 20 minutes."

Alexis Mejias, Junior

“My favorite place to eat lunch is Chick-Fil-A and for lunch I like something that is faster than a restaurant, but I also don’t like common fast food places that taste cheap. Chick-Fil-A is fast and it doesn’t taste fast.”

John Rhodenbaugh, Senior

“I like eating at home because it’s easy and fast. I live close to Rock Bridge. I also pack my lunch almost every day.”

Kevin Kiehne, Sophomore

“I like to eat lunch with all of the artists in the hallway and I like to sit there because not many people walk by during the lunch period and I like to look at the pictures in the hall. I bring my lunch every day and I eat crackers, peanut butter, and grapes.”

Isabel Thoroughman, Freshman

“I would say Taco Bell, but that’s not true. I mean I love the the Loco Tacos, those are nice. But overall, I’m going to have to say McDonald’s, I mean I’m American.”

Miguel Prince, Senior

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