Great Financial Infographics simple ways to convey complex financial concepts.

Think it's impossible to take complex financial concepts and make them easy to understand? Here are some amazing infographics that show how complicated numbers-based ideas can be communicated in simple visual ways.

How does Google make money? This infographic explains it all...

WordStream shows that financial and professional services companies make a lot of money for Google by advertising on it.

This infographic makes it easy to see that it probably doesn't matter who's in The White House or Congress. The debt ceiling will go up no matter what.

The House, the Senate, The White House, oh my! Yet this infographic makes it clear the debt ceiling will rise no matter who is in charge.

Finding venture capital may be hard, but understanding the journey to getting it doesn't have to be...

Sometimes an infographic can be used to map out complex journeys.

Think it's impossible to explain the scope of the biggest bankruptcies in history? This infographic does a GREAT job.

Interesting how this image makes events that seemed big at the time look small compared to the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy.

Want your clients to make the most of their relationship with your firm? Show them how using an infographic like this one.

Mint used an infographic to illustrate their company's ideal customer journey.

This infographic may be a simple one, but it does a great job explaining how Fintech is changing the financial services industry.

The graphic demonstrates how Fintech is slowly encroaching the financial services space from all directions.

How do people spend their money? This infographic makes it easy to understand where the typical household budget goes.

This interesting infographic from takes what could be a complex and unreadable pie chart and turns it into an easy-to-understand visual.

My how things have changed! Check out this simple snapshot of how financial planning has evolved over the years.

This infographic from KURTOSYS turns facts and figures into a meaningful snapshot.

Here's a great infographic that uses a timeline to illustrate the impact historical events have had on the economy.

Business2community is a great resource for getting ideas on how to present concepts in a clean and visual way.

Don't forget, sometimes a simple cartoon can be the perfect visual way to make a point.

Looking for help developing effective, cutting-edge Infographics for your firm? Contact Carpenter Group. We've been developing visual communications for the financial services industry for more than 35 years. And we'd love to help you!

Created By
Carpenter Group
Created with images by roland - "Orange"

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