The Danger of Being You b-sides | 7th sunday of easter

Jesus prays, "So that the love with which you have loved me may be in them, and I in them."
I don't know if you've considered that being you might be the problem. And being Jesus might be the beginning of the transformation you are so desperately seeking.



1. Ask yourself: Is what I’m doing an expression of love, mercy, compassion or peace? Or is it just about me?

2. When you choose to act in a way that’s just about “me,” why is that the path you choose?

3.What if you are just beginning to feel like you even know who “me” is? How will choosing to be like Jesus instead of like “me” help to figure all that out?

4. Do you know anyone often acts more in his or her “Jesus-ness” and “me-ness”? If so, who? And, when was the last time you acknowledged that in him or her?

Don't be you - I like you, but we don't need more of you in this world - we need more Jesus.

O God, you raised your Son to life on a Sunday morning just like this one. Raise us to life today. Make our hearts new, bind us together in your love. Drag us into prisons, where Jesus hangs out with convicts. Make us show up at hospitals where the sick and lonely are stuck, where Jesus sits with the broken. Pinch our ears and take us out of our comfort zones, teach us to shut up and listen. Though we're told to "just do you" -- we ask with trepidation this morning to make us like Jesus instead.

To do this work you've given, enliven us with your Holy Spirit. We eagerly await the celebration of Pentecost and the transformation of the Holy Spirit through love in the week to come.

Change our hearts to work out of your abundant love rather than our own scarcity. Claiming the love you offer through Jesus Christ's life, death, and resurrection, we pray in his name, Amen.

Created with images by hoyasmeg - "Tomb door and window_2034" • SodanieChea - "Mirror Picture!" • Peggy_Marco - "peter jesus church"

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