Isradelian Lore DarkHeart

The IceFire Mountains

These treacherous mountains make up the northern tribe lands of the Giants. Five tribes contest in this area:

  • Skysharks - Have the fiercest reputation, for coming out of nowhere and violently attacking.
  • Bloodeyes - Sages and Mages make up this tribe, and they mostly keep to themselves.
  • Boneheart - the dark evil of the tribes, the Bonehearts are violent, evil, and at best, demonic.
  • Flameforged - Proud, tough, and excellent forgemasters, the Flameforged never back down.
  • Lightcrack - The wisest of the tribes, but perhaps the most insane, as this tribe has absolutely no moral code.

The Dark Forest

Pretty typical name for a pretty typical reason. It's dark in there. Magic suffuses the forest, and magic breathes through here. Creatures of all sorts exist in these woods, such as the mundane (foxes, rabbits, and wolves), the magical (shadow mastiffs, young dragons, and elves) to the evil (goblins, orcs, and liches)

"The Dark Forest is a wonderful and Dangerous place. Easy to make coin, and the coin... Can easily slaughter all of you lot." - Swirls Istari

The Dark Forest features Coruscare, a safe haven for mages in a world becoming more restrictive on magic. The High Wizard, Soredel Windleaf, rules over the city and protects it with the small military they have.

The FoRests

These are just forests, sharing a general namesake, except a bit... bigger. People live and work here, and of course the main export is lumber, naturally. A large population lives here, but even with that, dark monstrosities still arise, and are crushed.

"Another thing to consider, Child, is the fact that the forests of Isradel are peaceful. If the Dual Crown Hadn't decided to establish cities in there. Poor souls." - Swirls Istari
The Forest city of Corenaire

The Forest's cities are rather interesting, the the North Forest's city of Eldramir to the Ice Forest's Sitriene City, and finally the plain forest's cities of Corenaire and Soprendaise.

The Edge of the World

With all the places you've seen, the Edge of the World is the most strange. It appears as if the world just ends at the sea poring into nothingness. However, if you were to take a look, you would find that there are floating islands a while off the world. Aasimar City is on one of the larger islands, and has a unique perspective on the world. Amougst the scattered floating isles lie hidden temples and unspeakable horrors

"Aasimar City is an interesting place, but don't get me wrong, the people there, They are not natural. I've seen their eyes, the real eyes. It is a most dangerous, yet safe, place to be." - Swirls Istari

Yet the people of Aasimar city will lend a hand when it can. Their existence seems to be of a higher power. With that being that the Edge of the World actually a portal ground to other planes.

The Coast

The Coast is a lively place, where much trading, arguing and fishing goes on amougst the pirating, thievery, and murder that happens there. The beaches are described as beautiful, and the sunsets capture many hearts. Aside from Sortelot, Port City is the most populous in the realm.

"The Coast. It is beautiful, but best not to bring your precious valubles there." - Swirls Istari

And the seas themselves are treacherous and remain mostly uncharted, as everyone who goes doesn't come back.

The Desert

Lawlessness abounds here about just as much as the regions superior metalwork. Provakine City is powerful and wields the power of the greatest metal center in the realm. The thing is, as they are located in a desert. Where just the heat could kill you.

"I hate that damn desert, nothing but lawlessness and debauchery goes on there. Aside from the magnificent metalwork they do." - Swirls Istari

The Other Planes

Isradel is not alone, other planes with other creatures exist. And they're all dangerous on their own.


The home plane of the Elves, with dangerous beasts abound and elves that are less than friendly.


The shadowy world where the Dark Elves, the Drow, rule and terrorize the denizens of this normally quiet realm.

The Elemental Chaos

Fire, Earth, Water, Ice, Shadow, Light, Wind, and many other unleashed wild elements collide and explode. The Element Chaos is insane, with everything everywhere. A few cities exist here, but they are far and few between.


Undercity is an unknown realm claimed to exist from the heretic Krittius Vin Istari. It is said to be an entire city underground and filled with something called technology. But it's never been found.

The Outside

A strange world only accessible to Outsiders, a world made up of hallways and stone, laboratories and armories.

The Races


A Human Knight

Humans are resilient, culturally diverse, and often considered one of the most passionate of races. They are widespread all over the world, and they can be found in every profession.



Fierce warriors with deep roots in their mountain cities and even deeper connections to their families. With all their traditions and moral grounds, the dwarves are very honor bound.



Elven Ranger

These mystical people make excellent mages and great Rangers and Archery style fighters. With several cities of their own in their realm, called the Elysium. Their realm is of magical forests, lush wilderness, and beautiful cities.



These charismatic people contend to their shires and their homes. While very small, halflings are very agile and steady of hand, making those few that choose the life of adventure skilled at being a Rogue. The halflings are also highly praised for their culinary achievements, making food that is bad taste good.



Felgirian Gladiator

Felgirians resemble all sorts of cats, from Tigers to Maine Coons. They are a tougher breed, but manage to retain their intelligence, however, these people (usually called cats) are considered to be very challenging to work with, as they are nearly as stubborn as dwarves, and as impulsive as humans.

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