Will distance triumph over friendship? upperclassmen bruins reflect on friendships with lowerclassmen

As graduation looms on the horizon, RBHS seniors and juniors feel the pressure of leaving high school and entering a world far away from their younger friends. Will they stay friends with the lowerclassmen as they embark on their future?

In a way, I will. Like, I won't be seeing them as much, so I can't be as involved in their lives, but I still want to stay in contact with them and be able to call them my friends. - Andrew Hopper, senior

I don't think I will spend as much time with them, but if and when I'm needed I will definitely be there for them. - Gretchen Cone, junior

I think when I go to college, I"ll stay in touch with some close friends and contact them every once in a while to update them on life and college. - Jiaming Ji, senior

I would probably act the same with my upperclassmen friends, because I'm going to also be separated from them in a similar way. - Zane Durante, junior

Rochita Ghosh

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