HOME A glimpse into the bald eagles' habitat

Bald eagles use forested habitats for roosting and shallow water for foraging.

You can find eagles nests in densely forested areas, away from humans. They build large nests in super canopy trees which are the tallest trees in the habitat. The sheer height helps protect them from predators, including man. They use large sticks, twigs, grasses and other soft materials.

Bald Eagles are predators. They have excellent eyesight, a strong hooked beak and powerful taloned feet. Their favorite meal is fish but they also eat other birds, waterfowl and sometimes mammals.

If you want to spot an Eagle, Alaska is your best bet. You can also find them in California, Washington DC and Florida.

Watch some newly hatched bald Eagles from Decorah, Iowa.

Created with images by ddouk - "bald eagle eagle raptor" • tpsdave - "alaska wilderness mountain" • CasparGirl - "Eagles Nest at Caspar Cemetery" • jaycross - "DSC05589" • jalbertbowdenii - "southern-california" • uvw916a - "Bush's Fault" • Boston Public Library - "Map of Florida"

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