Anne Frank Charbel Raheb - Period 1

Exploring Amsterdam

Canals of amterdam

Amsterdam is filled with many diffrent canals. Most canals have water homes in it or people living in boats. Amsterdam had canals all over and is very diffrent than other places.

One of the canals in Amsterdam

The secret annex

The Secret Annex was where Anne and her family hid from the Nazis. There was a secret bookcase that led to it from the dads work. They stayed there with another family. They were captured when people told the Nazis where they were.

The kitchen in the Secret Annex

Nuremberg Law

Chart telling you who is a Jew

1. Marriage between Jews and subjects of the state of German or related blood are forbidden. Marriages nevertheless concluded are invalid, even if concluded abroad to circumvent the law. Annulment proceedings can be initiated only by the State Prosecutor.

2. Extramarital intercourse between Jews and subjects of the state of German or related blood is forbidden.

3. Jews may not employ in their household female subjects of the state of German o related blood who are under 45 years old.

4. Jews are forbidden to fly the Reich or National flag or to display the Reich colors. They are, on the other hand, permitted to display the Jewish colors. The exercise of this right is protected by the State.

5. Any person who violates the prohibition under I will be punished by a prison sentence with hard labor. A male who violates the prohibition under I will be punished with a prison sentence with or without hard labor. Any person violating the provisions under III or IV will be punished with a prison sentence of up to one year and a fine, or with one or the other of these penalties. The Reich Minister of the Interior, in coordination with the Deputy of the Führer and the Reich Minister of Justice, will issue the Legal and Administrative regulations required to implement and complete the Law. The Law takes effect on the day following promulgations except for III, which goes into force on January 1, 1936. Nuremberg, September 15, 1935 at the Reich Party Congress of Freedom.


Propoganda is used to promote something that is happening that is political. It is ment to influence the audience to do something. It is usually in pictures. They use to pictures to tell someone to follow what there doing. Propoganda is a negatively connotative word. For example America was making Propoganda pieces to promote give money to fund war. Hitler was using Propoganda to show he was powerful.


Miep Gies

Miep gies was a worker of Otto frank. She was one of the biggest helpers when the frank family went into hiding. She always came and brang in supplies. She lived up to be 100 years old and carried on the story of the Frank's.

Fritz Pfeffer

Fritz was a German dentist. He went into hiding with the Frank's. He was the last person to enter the secret annex. He looked for a hiding place and Miep asked Otto frank if he could enter the secret annex and he said yes.

Otto Frank

Otto Frank prepared the secret annex before they had to go in case the nazis come to ansterdam. He picked the abandoned house behind his work. Otto was the only person from the secret annex who survived. He later found Anne's diary and published it.

Margot Frank

Margot was the sister of Anne who lived in the secret annex with them. When she got a slip to go to the camp that's when they left. Margot also kept a diary but it was never found. Margot was very serious compared to her sister.

Act I summary

In act one they got a note for Margot that she had to go to a camp. That's when they decided to go into hiding. They went to hid in a abandoned house behind there building with the Van Dann family. Every day Mr.Krawler or Meip would go up and deliver supplies. Then hanakua came so they celebrated. When they were celebrating they heard a person down stairs and they got scared.

Warsaw ghetto uprising 

The Warsaw Ghetto uprising took place during WW II. The Nazis estimated they killed about 7,000 during the uprising. No more than 300 German soldiers were killed during the up rising. After the uprising the Germans destroyed the camp. For many Jews it was moral victory because even though many Jews died many also escaped.

Anne frank act II SUMARRY

At the beginning of Act II they were celebrating New Years. They were cutting a cake that Miep brought for them. Anne and Petter started to go to his room and talk. Everyone wanted to make them keep the door open when they went in the room. Anne started to get mad and her mom and dad for telling her this. Peter also started to become annoyed of them.

Created with images by tiseb - "Anne Frank 1929-1945" • MonicaVolpin - "amsterdam city canal" • *_* - "Canal @ Amsterdam" • zeevveez - "Star of David Micro-Calligraphy" • Charkrem - "beans"

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