Street Art - Freiburg Part I 21Nov2015

I am in Freiburg, Germany for the next several weeks. This is a beautiful city. Once again, I am curious not only in the popular sights, but the sights that tend to elude us. The art that is always there, but frequently missed. Yesterday was my first day to explore. The weather was cold with intermittent rain, but I did my best.

Ketauu Oo is a local artist with a signature style. The bright red and orange squares and photgraphs are a joy to find everywhere. At first, I wondered how the squares kept from being stolen/removed since many are within arms' reach. It appears that some kind of silicone glue is used to attach them to their surface.

The characters that Lilo creates remind me of the "gremlins" in Mainz. They are not so easy to find, but with some searching, they quickly begin to show up in fun places. There is an entire Lilo universe with other characters and stickers. The detail and variety in the stickers is amazing. These are wonderful gems.

I am still learning the various artisist and programs in the city. I hope to have better understanding over the weeks. These are paintings that I stumbled across during my walk through town. I'm sure that people thought that it was strange that I would stand in front of a beautiful building and take a picture of a trash can, or dash into a construction zone for a painting that caught my eye.

These are random stickers that I found while I was wandering (very, very lost!)

Created By
Not So Cold

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