MindDesign Peacefulmind strategies

With over 30 years of research backing it, the practice of Mindfulness in the school setting gives students a scientifically proven skill to help them navigate uncomfortable situations and emotions.

"Teaching kids to manage what is now the norm, a hectic daily life, is as important as teaching them to read." Susan Kaiser Greenland
"Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way; On purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally." Jon Kabat-Zinn
"Too much of our education system orients students toward becoming better thinkers, but there is almost no focus on our capacity to pay attention and cultivate awareness." Jon Kabat-Zinn
"Over a third of Grade 9-12 students reported that they were under a lot of stress (38%) and also reported they were nervous or anxious (34%) often or all of the time" TDSB, 2013 Student Survey

But we can help change this.....

"The ability to self-regulate, or to set limits for oneself, allows a child to develop the emotional well-being and the habits of mind, such as persistance and curiosity, that are essential for early learning and that set the stage for lifelong learning." Gov't of Ontario, Supporting Minds
"There is clear evidence explicit social and emotional learning (SEL) instruction improves academic outcomes and is ideal for class-wide student engagement." Supporting Minds

Embodied teaching

Documented Results

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Copyright 2016 PeacefulMind Strategies

Created with images by Pezibear - "personal human children" • US Department of Education - "DSC_0236" • EME - "children boys girl" • benjaflynn - "Garden Grin" • KJJS - "Compass Montessori, Golden, 7th-9th grade classroom" • Skitterphoto - "girl swing rocking" • StartupStockPhotos - "children win success" • artteacher - "colored pencils art supplies colorful"

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