Standing in your Truth Time to step out into the open.

This is it. This is when Karen and I step out into the open, and go against the stream. When we stop hiding and stand in our truth and teach the world what we know, what we've learned and what we've endured without fear. We are twin flames, and our mission here together is an exciting one. This is when we light the fires for others that have been looking for us, looking to re-remember who they are and why they're here.

They've got you feeling like you're in a bubble. And we're here to break it.

This first blog is going to be one of many, as will our podcasts. Karen and I are no longer afraid to speak up and speak out against the things that no longer serve us, and no longer serve you. Spirituality is a double-edged sword since there is after all, no rule-book. There is no guide. It's take-what-you-like and that in itself makes it very prone to stepping on other people's toes as to what spirituality is, and what it is not.

The advantage is we're not going to go chasing for people. We don't need to knock on doors. We've got this crazy idea - we're going to let you come to us. We're going to stand on our soapbox where everyone can hear us and see if what we say makes sense. To see if what we say resonates and helps you remember. What we're going to talk about is going to ruffle a lot of feathers - and that's fine - that's the point.

We're going to speak "our truth". What we know and feel is true, and for those that get offended - there's plenty of other places for you than here and you're welcome to find your own truth. We're looking for the remainder of you who are tired of looking for a way out. Feel like they've been walking in circles, and want to know what's "missing". We know, because we've lived it, breathed it and endured it, and the benefits have paid off.

We're going to teach you that you are here for a reason, and have a spiritual path to follow and it's going to take some work, like it has for us. Teach you that there is someone else out there that is aligned with your spiritual work, and meant for you. We're going to show you the systems in place that are holding you down, how to break through and realize your own power. Show you the value of inner healing, and how your higher self and the Universe are constantly showing you what you need to pay attention to. We're going to offer free podcasts and blogs to listen, read and share. Offer our own services to supplement those that wish to rise and answer the call themselves - just like we have - to help the planet, and humanity.

This is Higher Awakenings.

We are all Source, and we will help you remember. For those that of you that wish to stay, welcome to the tribe. This is just the beginning.

Created By
Sebastian Korwal

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