Tech Tip Thursday April 6, 2017

One of my favorite features of Google Docs is the ability to insert an image DIRECTLY from the web to any Doc, Slide, Drawing, Sheet, Form, or Drawing without ever leaving the document!

With a few clicks of the mouse, users can search and add images directly from Google Images, LIFE magazine, and even stock images! The best part is that the results are filtered to only show images that are labeled for reuse with modification which means that teachers and students automatically have permission to use any of these images!

Here's how it works:

Open a Google Doc.

This feature works on Docs, Slides, Sheets, Drawings, and Forms!

To access your Google Drive, go to and click the 3x3 grid in the top right hand corner of your screen. Then, select Drive.

Click the New button to open a new document.

Select Insert > Image.

Once you are in the Google doc, put your cursor at the point in the document you would like to insert the image. Then, select Insert > Image.

Search for Images.

A new window will open with multiple options for inserting an image. Select Search on the far right side of the box.

NOTE: You can also choose to upload an image from your device, insert an image through a URL, or select an image from your Drive through this menu!

Now, type in the item or topic you are searching for and press enter or click the magnifying glass. Then, choose the image you would like to use and click Select.

Google will automatically insert the selected image into your document! IT'S THAT EASY!


Want More Information?

Laura Sprinkle - Digital Learning Specialist


Created with images by jarmoluk - "photo lens lenses" • DaveBleasdale - "open" • neshom - "door accessibility lock" • FirmBee - "ipad google seo" • pixel1 - "chocolate mini cupcakes blue pink frosting sprinkles"

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