Was Nicki Minaj right to bail her brother out? WHAT WOULD STUDENTS AT RBHS HAVE DONE?

Nicki Minaj, the popular celebrity known for her provocative lyrics and body image, bailed Jelani Maraj, her brother, out last month at a bond of $100,000. Maraj who is 37, is accused of raping a 12-year-old minor. While some fans heatedly argued against the morality of this issue and turned their backs on their previous celebrity crush, others defended Minaj, saying many would do the same no matter the crime if it were family.

Jelani Maraj, 37, was arrested on Dec. 3, 2015. He was accused of first degree rape and first degree sexual conduct against a pre-teen, Maraj faced a maximum sentence of 50 years. His bond was held at $100,000.
"I feel like you can’t judge what people do for family because it’s different when it’s family. When you hear about it in an article, it’s a 37-year-old man that raped, and that’s really bad, but if your mom or your child killed someone, then you’d be doing some things to cover that up. But I don’t think you can judge. We see her [Nicki Minaj] as bad because she did something wrong, but you got to do what you got to do for your family." - Marco Rea, senior
"I don’t love anyone enough to bail them out for $100,000. I wouldn’t bail them out, especially if it was rape because that’s terrible, and I think that’s unforgivable under any circumstance especially with a celebrity or someone who’s related to a celebrity. I don’t think people should get bailed out for rape or murder." - Melissa Bergin-Stack, junior
"I don’t think the brother should’ve gotten bailed out especially since I think we feel like we have to do something for a family member just because they’re blood related and then we always tend to overlook some flaws. In this case this was a really big flaw and I think the brother should’ve stayed within the justice system and let justice play its course because a crime like that should not be overlooked because of blood ties." - Chase Ford, junior (Left)

"I kinda agree with Chase for sure, but I also could see where Nicki Minaj was coming from because of course if it was my brother I would do the same thing. If it’s family, blood ties, you would want to think of the better thing, like your brother could not have done this. So I think I would’ve done the same thing in her situation, even though I understand where Chase is coming from. If he had actually commit the crime, if I knew for sure, then I would have not bailed him out." - Divya Divya, junior (Right)

"He [Jelani Minaj] should stay in there because he did something bad. I wouldn’t have bailed him out. He deserved his sentence." - Salim Sanders, freshman
"I would’ve left him in there because that’s terrible. That’s kind of nasty. Even if they’re family I don’t think she should’ve bailed him out, he molested a child, and that’s kind of gross." - Teanona Campbell, sophomore

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