Who Do You Say that I am? B-sides • 17 January 2016

"He said to them, ‘But who do you say that I am?’ Simon Peter answered, ‘You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.’ And Jesus answered him, ‘Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father in heaven. And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church." Matthew 16:15-18


Just like with Peter, just like with Moses, just like with each one of us. We do not find Jesus on our own. We cannot seek out the Living God for ourselves. God finds us. Just like God found Moses and revealed himself in the burning bush, God found Peter mending nets by the seashore; God even found Adam and Eve when they’d become ashamed of themselves, sewn up clothes and gone into hiding.


1. What do you feel ashamed about that you are too afraid to look in the eye? (If you imagine that Jesus is sitting next to you, holding your hand, does it help you feel less afraid to confront that sin?)

2. How would your life look different if you had no fear?

3. What foundations have you tried to build your life on, and how might you find a firm, lasting foundation?

Deeper than our sin, our betrayal and our loneliness, deeper than our pride and our distraction and our selfishness, God sees our true selves.


God of Love, you promised your people in Exodus that you would fight for them, that they had only to stand still. Through Jesus, we are made your people too, and we ask that you would fight for us. Fight against despair, addiction, pride, and indifference that threatens to pull us into darkness and death. Help us to stand still, to trust that you will defeat any power that threatens us, as we call on your name. As we lift up in our hearts people or situations that need your healing touch, hear our cry, reach out your hand.

Created with images by tpsdave - "germany bavaria rocks" • ahisgett - "Worn Rock" • Hans - "mountains summit mountain summit"

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