Geoffrey Nelson StrateGy + communicatIon design

Taking New Brands and Rebrands to Market

Over 30 years of award winning experience ranging from Indie brands to Fortune 500 companies, from consumer goods to entertainment, both corporate and consumer facing.

"Whenever I work with Geoff I never know what he will come up with but the results always have far exceeded anything I could have imagined.

The phrase "creative genius" is overused in the entertainment business but in Geoff's case it might apply."

Richard Baker Executive Producer

ABC Home Improvement, Walt Disney The Santa Clause, Last Man Standing.


"The logos and posters are beautiful and have become unquestionably iconic. We are thrilled with Geoff’s work, which has been an asset to our brand.

Brian Wendel Executive Producer

Forks Over Knives Movie, Website, Books

Geoff's creative was spot on...his artistry and expertise was integral in the rebranding of MATTILDHUR.

Mark Keller, US Director, fashion brand MATTILDHUR


“I have found Geoff to be masterful at the art of listening, taking kernels of ideas, and bringing them to life. His genuine interest and willingness to explore ideas has given vision and vitality to our project.”

Chris Bearss CEO, Brilliant, and Cofounder, Halloween City.

"I have never actually worked with Geoff but when and if I do...I have a sneaking suspicion that he will surprise me!"

Brian Volks-Weiss VP, New Wave Entertainment

Brand Naming + Identity Communication Design Go to Market Strategy

A process that has been refined over 30 years to sidestep the mundane, ignore the valueless, and pinpoint the goal driven ideas.

Fresh, Clean and Clear Messaging.

Recent Naming + Brand Identity

Geoff splits his time between studios in Santa Barbara, Ca. and Lake Charlevoix in Michigan. He always is on, with an Apple device in hand, so a consultation is just a digital handshake away.

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