Grasmere meets Desmond December 2015

Record rainfall hits Thirlmere

The Army step in to clear 1000 tonnes of rubble from the A591
We fed the Army and met the top man

The school was flooded, parents & children and the local community rallied for a weekend clean up. The school opened on the Monday, on time.

Flooded but undeterred, Grasmere school reopens after the cleanup
The road was closed at Dunmail Raise

Because there was the Gap.

The Gap with its own waterfall

And a couple of huge landslides in Grasmere

The Gap

The locals start to repair the road

Will is working out how to cross the Gap

There's tree damage too

Fences are ripped out

Rivers re-routed and thousands of boulders washed downstream

Ministers visit, media is met
The watercourses are full of rubble, houses flood, damage is done
flood defences are inadequate

Crossing the Gap

The council work hard
Molly's path is created
Grasmere is open & as beautiful as ever!

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Created By
Martin Campbell
Martin Campbell - Grasmere - 015394 35012

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