
Watch the following video.

What Marie experienced in the video above is an example of something called cyberbullying.

Cyberbullying is when a person or a group of people bully another person using technology.

Types of technology that can used for cyberbullying include:

  • Cell phones
  • Computers
  • Tablets
  • Texts
  • Email messages
  • Chat rooms
  • Social media sites like Facebook and Instgram

What technology did Angela use to cyberbully Marie?

Some examples of cyberbullying include:

  • Mean text or email messages
  • Someone spreading a rumor through email or social media sites like Facebook
  • Embarrassing pictures or secrets posted on social media or other sites

How did Angela cyberbully Marie?

Kids who are cyberbullied are more likely to:

  • Not want to go to school
  • Be bullied in person as well as online
  • Feel bad about themselves
  • Do poorly in school
  • Get sick more often

How do you think the cyberbullying affected Marie?

What would you do in Marie's situation?

  • Do NOT respond to the cyberbully or forward their messages.
  • Tell a trusted adult, such as a parent or teacher, about the cyberbullying.
  • Block the cyberbully if possible.
  • Keep evidence of the cyberbullying by saving or taking screenshots of the messages or posts. You made need this evidence when you report the cyberbullying.
  • Report the cyberbullying to the appropriate sources, such as the website or cell phone provider. Provide evidence of the cyberbullying if needed.

How can I Help Others Who are Being Cyberbullied?

  • Show understanding and support for the person being bullied
  • Do not respond to and encourage the bully in any way
  • Stand up for the person being bullied
  • Report the bullying to a trusted adult, such as a parent or teacher

What are other ways that you could help someone being cyberbullied?

Watch the video below to find out how Marie handled her cyberbullying situation.

Here are some other resources about cyberbullying and other internet safety topics:

Created with images by StockSnap - "macbook laptop computer" • Robynlou8 - "hold my hand" • grabka dot org - "19110013" Images also from and References: and

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