The Dawn From On High Should Make You Sing B-Sides • December 6, 2015

"By the tender mercy of our God, the dawn from on high will break upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace." Luke 1:78-79
At one time or another we all get lost in the darkness. So lost that when the dawn from on high breaks, we still need help to guide our feet into the way of peace.



1. When was a time when you were afraid that God had forgotten you or may have overlooked you? How did you respond?

2. When have you felt that God unexpectedly showed up to keep a promise at a time that made no sense to you? Did you doubt or rejoice? Did you speak about it or were you silent?

3. When you've been surprised by a promise kept, how was the rest of your pathway carved by the mercy of God? Hod did your own ability to forgive and offer grace surprise you?

The possibility of life arriving at an unexpected time in a miraculous manner for unimportant people leaves both Mary and Zechariah speechless until the tender mercy of God breaks into the world as sure as the morning dawn dispels the darkness of night. God chooses to fulfill the promises made to Israel through two families that didn't see it coming.
Through Zechariah’s song, we are reminded that fear, not conflict is the opposite of peace.

Lord, we listen for you in the wilderness and in the dark, drive away our fear. Open our ears, Lord, we want to hear Jesus; open our eyes, that you may guide our feet into the way of peace. make the paths of our lives straight, bring us to the feet of your throne. Guide us in the pathway of peace. Plant peace in our hearts today, grow your seeds of peace into a forest of redemption, that this precious world might taste the joy of your peace this season. In the midst of violence, fear, suspicion, and distrust, plant the strong tree of your peace. May its branches shield the people of your world with your security, your peace, and your presence. Amen.

Created with images by JoseAngel - "madrid dawn clouds" • Crystalline Radical - "fern sprout" • PublicDomainPictures - "light lights circle"

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